The Things We (Don't) Talk About is Diem's weekly newsletter that’s more like an open-ended, never-ending conversation about technology, gender, and power. 

This newsletter is curated and written by Diem co-founder, Emma Bates and edited by Kate Lindsay. Past posts include:

What is Diem?

Diem is a social search engine, inspired by how women have shared information for centuries. But don’t just take our word for it: Business Insider named Diem one of the top new social apps of 2023.

You can join via iOS, Android, or Web, and get a weekly roundup of the best posts over on The Diem Briefing.

Subscribe to The Things We Don't Talk About

Diem's weekly newsletter about technology, gender, and power, written by Diem’s co-founder, Emma Bates, and edited by Kate Lindsay.


The Things We Don't Talk About is Diem's weekly newsletter that’s more like an open-ended, never-ending conversation about technology, gender, and power. Written by Diem co-founder, Emma Bates and edited by Kate Lindsay.