Sitemap - 2023 - The Things We Don't Talk About

Is dating broken?

Shall we start a commune...?

Is it weird to vet a future partner’s finances?

Does anyone actually feel like an adult?

The gap in our internet searches

The feminine history of "tea"

Your first breakup won't break you

The case for the Goldilocks Girl

A 'soft girl' doesn't cycle sync

Reconsider old wives' tales

Why is it weird to talk about money with your girlfriends?

In defense of cat ladies

How should you tell your friends you’re getting sober?

Let’s talk about being a bridesmaid

Is modern love enough?

Turning 30

Life after FOMO

Reflections on girlhood

Is it a big deal if someone doesn’t want to sleep with you right away?

Did cancel culture start with witches?

Can you be a feminist and have a wedding?

The truth about co-parenting

Are you a Barbie girl?

Is my boyfriend a misogynist?

What is plastic advice?

Invite your friends to read The Things We Don't Talk About & get fun rewards!

Do we all have a 'food thing?'

Why are we monogamous?

The thing about ugly duckling syndrome

Tell us your healthcare stories

'I make more money than my partner'

'Am I queer enough?'

'Friends don't talk about money'

'Am I glad my mother died?'

What's your most embarrassing internet search?

Why did I stop reading romance novels?

Do almond moms know their power?

A letter to my friends without kids

Are you jealous of me?

Is bullet journaling the ultimate distraction from death?

Is it normal to emotionally spend?

Are babies a luxury item?

What lengths would you go to lose weight?

Could women’s “gossip” build the next search engine?

Why is *not* drinking taboo?

Are all compliments “creepy”?

Is Lucky Girl Syndrome just toxic positivity?

Are we in our cosmetic surgery era?

What’s your earliest money memory?

Bring back the salon

Are we dating the same guy?